最近在GitHub找markdown转html的插件,可是一般都只是简单的转HTML,大多数没有什么附加操作,后来发现一个叫HTML Purifier的狂拽牛逼吊炸天的东西,正好满足了我在链接自动加nofollow的愿望。不幸的是,img标签缺没有加。同样都是有URL,这么厉害的插件怎么会忽略这么简单的问题?于是,“我说在我的想象中有一个nofollow, 与众不同最时尚seo肯定棒, 整个baidu找遍所有的站都没有...” ,不好意思,写着写着唱起来了。最后打开了我的小飞机,终于在Google找到了答案,关于搭建小飞机:各种搭建小飞机教程 ,这个广告好像有点硬,别着急,还有更硬的:进入点击vultr的banner注册送50刀,50刀,50刀!
问: Does it make sense to have a rel="nofollow" attribute in img tag?
答: The rel attribute is only for a and link elements. The nofollow value is to keep a web crawler from following that link (which might have affected the linked page's ranking based on your own). It keeps spammers commenting on blog posts from gaining any page ranking from linking from the blog (or discussion forum, etc.). It doesn't make sense for img elements and furthermore an img with a rel attribute is invalid, which may lower your relevancy score by a search engine.
优质评论之一:You are sooo right! :D When I tried to validate an HTML code snippet with the W3C validator it says: there is no attribute "rel": You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. Can you pointing me to the W3C official reference saying that? Thanks. – diosney
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